AHLA's Speaking of Health Law

Nondiscrimination Requirements in Long Term Care Facilities: HHS’ Section 1557 Final Rule

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00:00 | 23:10

Section 1557 is both the nation’s first civil rights law for health care and the first federal civil rights law to focus specifically on nondiscrimination in health care. Stefanie Doyle, Associate, Baker Donelson, and Bruce J. Lederman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Charles E. Smith Life Communities, discuss the provisions of the Section 1557 final rule, which was released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on May 6, 2024. Stefanie and Bruce spoke about this topic at AHLA’s 2024 Long Term and Post-Acute Care Law and Compliance in San Diego, CA. Stefanie recently co-authored an AHLA Briefing on this topic. From AHLA's Post-Acute and Long Term Services Practice Group.

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